Become a governor
We are currently looking for volunteers to become governors. Anyone in our school or wider local community can volunteer to be a governor however we want to make sure the governing body has a full complement of skills. Please speak to the school office if you are interested and they will ask you to complete and return a skills audit which allows us to assess the individuals’ strengths to see if they align to our current skill gaps. You would then be invited to a short informal discussion with the chair and/or vice chair of governors to allow us to explain the expectations for prospective governors and provide the individual the opportunity to ask any questions. New governors would then be asked to attend the next scheduled full governing body meeting for formal appointment.
We have a governors’ induction policy to ensure that all new governors feel welcomed into the school community, have a clear understanding of their role and responsibilities, and so swiftly and confidently become effective members of the Governing Body. New governors will be required to undergo DBS checks and are invited to an induction session led by the local authority. New governors will be supported by the Development Governor and will be provided with access to a wide range of online learning resources and training modules. New governors will also have an opportunity to visit the school, meeting the head teacher, teaching staff and School Business Manager.
Contact us
We welcome feedback and thoughts from all the parents and carers that make up our Walter School Community, please do not hesitate to contact us via email or dropping a note with the School Office at any time.
You can also speak to Walter Governors at the 2 annual governor days (usually in November), meet us at school fairs or find out more via an annual letter (which will sent out at the end of the school year).
Find out more about the role of school governors locally and nationally
Information from Wokingham Borough Council on the role of school governors within the local authority can be found at and national guidance on the roles and duties of governing boards, and advice on the skills, knowledge and behaviours they need to be effective, is available at Governance handbook and competency framework