
Policies and Procedures

2024 All in one model policy for E-Safety at Walter Infant School and Nursery
Accessibilty Plan 2021
Anti Bullying and Equality Policy 2022
Asbestos Management Policy 2023
Attendance Policy 2023
Banning Individuals from School
Behaviour Policy January 2024.pdf
Capability Policy March 2017
Charging and Remissions Policy 2023
Children Missing in Education
Code of Conduct 2023
Cold weather Closure procedures for parents
Communicable Diseases Guidelines 2023
Complaints Policy July 2020
Computing Policy 2022
Curriculum Policy 2022
Data Assessment and Monitoring Policy 2022
Designated Teacher for LAC Policy 2020
Drugs and Substance Misuse Policy
Early Years Foundation Stage Policy 2024
Educational Visits
Electrical Safety
English Policy 2023
Extra Curricular Provision Policy 2020
FGB Terms of Reference Sept 2020
First Aid and Injury Reporting Policy 2023
Freedom of Information Policy September 2020
Health and Safety Policy 2023
Health Needs Can't Attend School Policy 2020
Healthy food policy 2019
Home School Agreement 2021
Homework Policy
Hot weather protocol June 2022
Intimate Care Consent Form
Intimate Care Policy
Lockdown to a Safe Place 2022
Management of Contractors 2022
Managing Medicines and Illness in School 2023
Managing Sickness Absence for Schools Mar 2019
Mathematics Policy 2024
Mental Health & Wellbeing Policy Nov 2023
Online Safety Policy 2022 2024
PE Policy 2021 2024
Performance Management Policy 2023
Physical Security Policy February 2022
Preventing Radicalisation Policy 2022
Privacy Notice for Pupils Parents
PSRHE Policy 2022
RE statement 2021
Risk-Register 2020
Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy 2023
School Closure Policy January 2023
SEND Policy 2023 2024
Supporting Children with Medical Conditions and Medicines in Schools Policy
Teaching and Learning Policy 2023
Visitors Policy 2020 with COVID
Visitors Policy 2022
Whistleblowing Policy 2020