Latest Ofsted Report December 2024 - Outstanding in all areas.

Welcome to Year 1

Welcome to Year One
Welcome to the Year One area of our website.
If you need to contact your class teacher, please email
Miss Veale, Beech Class 

Miss Palmer, Larch Class 

Mrs Seal & Mrs Whiterose, Oak Class


PE days for year 1 2024-2025 : 
Larch:  Monday & Wednesday 
Beech: Monday & Thursday 
Oak: Monday & Wednesday 
Learning at home
Please read with your child everyday and record a message in their reading record.  Children will bring home a home reader everyday  which matches their reading level. Children then have the opportunity to change their home reader book every morning. 
Your child will also have the opportunity to visit the school library once a week so they can choose a book to read for enjoyment or that can be shared with an adult. 
Spelling are sent home every Friday for your child to practise. The spellings will link to the sounds and words they have been learning in phonics that week. Please support your child to read and write their spellings out. 
What are Year 1 learning about?
Autumn 1 - Materials
We will be learning about materials and their properties. 
We will be writing around the texts: Sharing a Shell, Home for a stone  and The 3 Little Pigs
Autumn 2 - Celebrations 
We will be learning about different celebrations and we also have a special week learning about Space. 
We will be writing about Fireworks, Reindeer, different historical events and the class elf. 
Spring 1 - Marvellous Me !
We will be learning about the season of winter to start off our term and will go on an environment walk look for signs of winter. We will be learning about the different parts of the body, our senses and write facts and descriptions about ourselves. We will also be looking at the artist Pablo Picasso and create self portraits in the style of his work. 
Spring 2 - Forests and Fairy Tales
We will be learning about plants and trees in our science lessons and will be learning about traditional fairy tales in English. We will also be looking at the season of spring.
 Summer 1 - Amazing Animals 
We will be learning about different animals including birds, fish, mammals, reptiles and amphibians. We will be learning what a carnivore and herbivore are and link this to our animal and dinosaur learning. 
In English we will be writing fact pages about snails and rewriting the story of 'Norman the slug and the silly'. 
Summer 2 - Great Great Britain 
We will be learning all about the 4 countries that make up the UK and we will locate these countries on a map too. In History we will be exploring Queen Elizabeth II and her life.